A Cowboy Says...

A Cowboy Says...

Friday, July 15, 2011

This is a letter I posted to Impark

I have received 5 tickets in about 2 weeks ever since I phoned to ask why I received a ticket in my own stall thet I pay almost 400.00 per month for. The lady I talked to was rude and never returned my call then number 28 from Impark started coming around, and around.


Dear Sirs,

I do not understand,

Well I guess your organization are either Bullies or Number 28 of your Edmonton office is a bully. I received a ticket in my stall; yes in my own stall that I pay for every month, for not having my sticker displayed... interesting. so I called gave the young lady that answered your phone the information and she said she would get back to me.

Instead your number 28 came back and issued me another ticket in the same stall..I figured he or she couldn't see the sticker as it was on the dash. It's funny that alternatively over the past 2 years someone has been parked in my stall over 20 times and never was ticketed even after calling you, but now it seems number 28 has been to my lot and particularly my stall five times. I guess this person is going to show me who's, who and how dare I question their authority.

I pay for the stall and I don't call you if someone is in it, When I first started here if I did call almost without fail the car or truck was still there at the end of the day with no ticket. Usually I just left them a note and it seemed to fix the problem. Now I am having the privilege of being ticketed day in and day out because I dare question number 28, wow that is wonderful. I am going to ask my employer to cancel the stall for me as it is insulting, cruel and spiteful that I have such preferential treatment from your number 28. I guess he/she also wont look on the dash because the sticker is on the dash as the hook is broken on the sticker.

I hope that your company is proud of these petty actions and I guess somehow this helps the prestige of your business by this type of behavior. I on the other hand would be embarrassed if this was my employee. I paid for the stall, I just want to be left alone, stop this cruelty and maybe number 28 can focus on the illegally parked phoned in complaints rather than continually harassing me.

I am surprised that a company that has grown to such stature condones this type of behaviour, but lately I have been disappointed too often with the growing ruthlessness of corporate Canada/America.

Yours truly,

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